MICAH — (Heb. מִיכָה), the sixth book in the collection known as the Twelve Minor Prophets within the subdivision Later Prophets of the second division of the Hebrew Bible (the Prophets). In the Septuagint translation, where the order varies, Micah… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Micah — 1 Micah 2 Micah 3 Micah 4 Micah 5 Micah 6 Micah 7 … The King James version of the Bible
Micah — ist eine Form von Micha und der Vorname von: Micah Jenkins (1835–1864), amerikanischer Brigadegeneral im Sezessionskrieg Micah Richards (* 1988), englischer Fußballspieler Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Micah — m Biblical: Hebrew name meaning ‘who is like (Yahweh)?’, and thus a doublet of MICHAEL (SEE Michael). This was the name of a prophet, author of the book of the Bible that bears his name, and which dates from the late 8th century BC … First names dictionary
Micah — masc. proper name, sixth of the Old Testament prophets, from Heb. Mikhah, short for Mikhayah, lit. who is like the Lord? First element identical to that in MICHAEL (Cf. Michael), for second element, see JAH (Cf. Jah) … Etymology dictionary
Micah — [mī′kə] n. [Heb mīkhā(yah), lit., who is like (God)?] Bible 1. a Hebrew prophet of the 8th cent. B.C. 2. the book of his prophecies: abbrev. Mic or Mi … English World dictionary
Micah — This article is about the given name. For other uses, see Micah (disambiguation). Micah ( /ˈmaɪ … Wikipedia
Micah — This interesting surname derives from the hebrew male given name Micah meaning who is like the Lord , and was an alternative form of Michael which is ultimately from the Hebrew Micha el , the war cry of the Archangel Michael, meaning Who is like… … Surnames reference
Micah — /muy keuh/, n. 1. a Minor Prophet of the 8th century B.C. 2. a book of the Bible bearing his name. Abbr.: Mic. 3. a male given name. * * * flourished 8th century BC One of the 12 Minor Prophets in the Bible, traditional author of the book of… … Universalium
Micah — noun /ˈmʌɪkə/ a) A book of the Old Testament of Bible, and of the Tanakh. The word of the LORD that came to Micah the Morasthite in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem. b) Any of… … Wiktionary